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The 2023 Pppularize Program of Green life in Lienchiang

In order to enhance the concept of green living and cultivate national green living behaviors and habits, the Ministry of Environment has actively promoted the "National Green Life Movement" campaign since 2020 to promote to the whole people how to respond together and practice green living. With five major aspects: "Green Dining", "Green Travel", "Green Consumption", "Green Home" and "Green Office", we implement environmental awareness into every detail and minimize environmental damage and greenhouse gas emissions. While protecting the ecological environment and making life healthier and more environmentally friendly. Environmental Resources Bureau Lienchiang County Government hopes to use the power of agencies, private organizations, groups, and communities to achieve a green life for all by holding briefings, providing guidance on environmentally friendly restaurants, and coaching companies, agencies, schools, or groups to respond to green offices.
Green Life, National Green Life Movement, Green Dining, Green Travel, Green Consumption, Green Home, Green Office, Eco- friendly Restaurant, Eco-friendly Hotels.